"Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt"

22 de septiembre de 2010

▪ New Season


And so she opened the window and smiled, for she knew spring had come. I am not alone anymore, she says. There are flowers everywhere I look. It is the end of the cold weather, at last. Remnants of a bad memory. This is the beginning of new times. The victory of nature. Oh, how nice! The sun is warmer. Days are now longer. Birds singing everywhere. Infinite cloudless skies above. The green slowly invades the town and trees breathe once again. Life is back, unlocked, unchained, sparking in the eyes of every creature… All of a suden, it all seems to start growing fast in all directions and you just can’t stop it. You grow as well. Some sort of new energy takes over. A new spirit. New paths to walk. New ways of walking. Indeed, people walk differently if you look close enough. The impossibility of things becomes an old myth and everything just happens, everything takes place naturally, as if moved by some sort of unkonwn powerful force. Once again one feels like going for a walk, lying on the grass, staring at the sky, smiling for no apparent reason. It just feels right. Time seems to unfold in a different fashion, unobtrusively, in silence, unnoticed. Everything seems possible. Everything makes sense. Everything fits perfectly. Nothing blocks your way. It is just you and the sun. Oh, she thinks while staring at the sky, all windows (and all hearts) need to be opened. All curtains (and all fears) need to be drawn aside to let the light in. For sping has come at last.


7 comentarios:

noe mas dijo...

"The impossibility of things becomes an old myth and everything just happens, everything takes place naturally, as if moved by some sort of unknown powerful force."


Thiago. dijo...

Es mi época y aún así me identifico más con el frío.

Miqui Brightside dijo...

el otro día escuché una canción alucinante en la que nombraban el calabozo de aire

Bochamaker dijo...

me encantó la estetica del blog
igual no entendi lo que escribiste y el remate con la imagen, pero bueno somos seres libre de postear lo que querramos

Alex dijo...

es cierto que trae sensaciones especiales la primavera. jamás comprendí la razón... aún así, siempre amaré a mi adorado invierno (:

Ais. dijo...

Spring... the season of love.
Everything wakes up at last, my heart also.

Hermoso blog.
Un saludo.


Anónimo dijo...

¡Bienvenida primavera!
Abramos las ventanas y aspiremos fuerte, muy fuerte, una bocanada de aire primaveral.