"Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt"

18 de octubre de 2010

▪ Who we Really are


We all have the same problem: loneliness. We are not really alone, of course, but most of the time we forget that. Every now and then, though, something or someone comes along and reminds us. That’s attraction. The problem occurs when that attraction is misunderstood. It takes on a power it doesn’t deserve and we spend our lives trying to kill the symptoms of loneliness, not the desease. Plato has a lot to say on this. Not the least of which is that most of the world’s problem could be solved if we could just remember we are more than body. We are soul. Remember that our desires are just a longing to feel the connection we already have, but have forgotten. I think what he and other great philosophers are trying to say is that our real purpose in life is to remind each other, by example, of who we really are.


6 comentarios:

Miqui Brightside dijo...

espero que escucharas más de Migala! porque está realmente bien

Thiago. dijo...

Todo muy lindo, pero cuando te enamoras REALMENTE de alguien, no aplica la lógica.

Se vuelve todo un gran combo con el que no sabés qué hacer.

noe mas dijo...

No recuerdo quién dijo que hay que olvidar para aprender a recordar, o algo así.
Me gustó eso de resignificar lo que somos, lo que significamos para nosotros mismos y conectarnos.

Ais. dijo...

I think the real problem lies in what surrounds us, we have too many things, we see too many things, things we can't have or things we don't need. Technology often sets us aside from what is really important, it isolates us from the real world, we have the false idea that we are connected but it's not true. The real connection is when you see into the other's eyes. We are selfish, we think too much in ourselves and the troubles of living, I think we should look around and enjoy nature.


Volviendo a Crecer dijo...

In spanish please!

Lucas Fulgi dijo...

Toda una decisión escribir en inglés. Yo solía hacerlo, pero ahora no sé... me da cierto rechazo. Igual estéticamente queda muy bonito.
Y algún comentario sobre el contenido, para no quedarme solo en la forma...
Creo que hay soledades que existen por una buena razón... no creo que sea "LA soledad" sino que hay varias.
No tengo mucho más que decir, porque supongo que en cuanto a la soledad que efectivamente necesita que digamos "love", el texto parece bastante acertado (al menos en la lectura que le dí...)

Un abrazo.